Are you suffering from a shooting pain in your buttock or leg? You could be experiencing sciatica. But fear not, our team has helped hundreds of patients, just like you, overcome this condition.

Sciatica in Victoria

Don’t Let Sciatica Hold You Back

Sciatica can be caused by something rubbing, irritating, or pressing on the sciatic nerve, such as a bulging disc in your back. It can cause pain anywhere between your buttock and your feet, with typical symptoms including:

  • A sharp, shooting pain
  • A burning sensation
  • Pins and needles
  • Numbness
  • Weakness

While it’s caused by an irritated nerve, the underlying reason can vary from person to person, which is why a bespoke plan – tailored to your individual needs and symptoms – is an effective way to address it.

Treatment for Sciatica

Regardless of your age and whether you’ve been officially diagnosed with sciatica or not, our team of experienced chiropractors can help. We’ll diagnose the problem and identify the root cause, and then create a tailored care plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

This will help to relieve existing pain and prevent it from becoming a more serious problem in the long term.

What to Expect

We begin care by conducting a thorough assessment, identifying the source and cause of your pain. If we feel further tests or an x-ray is required, we have on-site equipment and facilities for this.

Once we understand what’s causing your symptoms, we can advise on a personalized care plan. This will include a combination of advice, adjustments, and an at-home exercise program.
You can trust us, too. You see, at Gordon Head Chiropractic, we’ve helped patients of all ages regain control of their lives – without the pain of sciatica. In fact, there’s substantial evidence that supports the use of hands-on, specific manual adjustments for this condition.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards your pain-free future today and get in touch with us.